Plicosepalus Tiegh., in Bull. Soc. Bot. France 41: 504 (1894).
Stems a few cm to several m, spreading by haustoria-bearing surface runners. Petals connivent or joined in lower part, slightly to markedly curved in bud, mostly red or yellow, with 2 rows of oblique folds below filament insertion, these parts connivent, the upper part narrow below the linear-lanceolate to linear-spathulate tips, reflexing, looped and often twisted; corolla tube, if present, sometimes with further series of flaps or a lobed ledge Petals connivent or joined in lower part, slightly to markedly curved in bud, mostly red or yellow, with 2 rows of oblique folds below filament insertion, these parts connivent, the upper part narrow below the linear-lanceolate to linear-spathulate tips, reflexing, looped and often twisted; corolla tube, if present, sometimes with further series of flaps or a lobed ledge. Stamens following curve of style and subequal in length, red at least above; anthers 4-thecous Stamens following curve of style and subequal in length, red at least above; anthers 4-thecous. Style inserted in a depression on the ovary, filiform, angular, slightly curved to sinuous, sometimes corrugated near base, only slightly thickened where anthers appressed in bud; stigma capitate. The fruite Berry red or yellow, ellipsoid or urceolate, smooth or warty. Berry red or yellow, ellipsoid or urceolate, smooth or warty.